Olympian visits Vaca senior

Robyn Stevens figured Jessie Lenox could use a big bag when the Vacaville High senior goes to BYU, so the 2021 Olympic race walker brought one when she visited her alma mater on Wednesday. And it was no ordinary bag. It was one of three she received as a member of Team USA when she arrived in Tokyo.

Inside the bag was a Team USA sport top and beanie. Robyn also brought a balloon and greeting card to congratulate Jessie three days before the 17-year-old receives her diploma at the graduation ceremony. And to think neither Jessie nor Robyn, who is training for the 2024 U.S. Olympic trials later this month in Springfield, Ore., knew anything about one another until just two weeks ago.

Jessie was surprised to learn Vacaville has an Olympic athlete and said she would use Google to learn all she could about Robyn, a 2001 Vacaville graduate. When Robyn learned Jessie has been battling Hodgkin’s lymphoma since February, she asked how she could meet such an “inspirational” young lady.

Principal Adam Wight did his part by calling Jessie to the office for “a surprise.” Wight wanted to tell Jessie who was coming or drop a hint at the very least, but Robyn then walked through the door and hugged Jessie after a brief introduction. It was if they knew each other without knowing each other.

That did not seem to matter.